Employer engagement in education a bibliography Nov 2015
Employer engagement in education relates to a wide range of related educational and economic approaches. In essence, it describes the process through which a young person engages with members of the economic community, under the auspices of their school or college, with the aim of influencing their educational achievement, engagement and/or progression out of education into ultimate employment.
It is an approach found in (and arguably essential to) vocational education, enterprise education, work-related learning, employability skill provision as well as in primary literacy and numeracy programmes (reading and number partners) and in UK school and college governance.
For researchers, all this means that evidence of interest and relevance will never be found on a single library shelf, but scattered through different disciplines: careers literature, education policy and pedagogy, economics, human resource management, psychology, sociology, studies of gender, ethnicity, class and culture. And helpful insights are not only to be found in university libraries, but also in publications commissioned by governments, charities and other agencies and sponsored by individual employers and employer bodies.
Over the last six years, Education and Employers have worked to find and amplify research providing reliable insights of relevance to the key questions shaping the field of employer engagement in education. On our website, we include summaries of more than 60 articles, reports and books with useful findings which sit alongside our own publications which now number more than 30.
In this bibliography, we reference works which we have found to be of particular value to our own work. We hope and expect this list will grow, year on year. If you are aware of publications which you feel should be added to the list (and perhaps summarised), please do get in touch (rachael.mckeown@educationandemployers.org). We hope that you find this to be a resource of use within your own work.