The New Apprenticeship Agenda: the Union Role

Conference: 9 February 2011 at the TUC, Congress Centre, London Apprenticeships are a major skills priority for the Government and they are also a key priority for unions. Speakers include:…

4,000 to attend Careers Fest

More than 4,000 students aged 12 upwards from across the UK are attending the Careers Fest at the Kassam Stadium in Oxford. They will meet local and national employers including…

The point of partnership explained

The Point of partnership: the case for employer engagement in education written by the Education and Employers Taskforce has been published in respected international journal Strategic HR Review. The primary…

Year in View published

Thanks to the support from the members of the Partnership Board, Trustees, employers and hundreds of volunteers, it has been a successful and productive first year for the charity the…

Listen to our first research seminar

Dr Gill Haynes, Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter talks about Work-related learning and employer engagement: findings from the national evaluation of 14-19 Diplomas in our January research seminar…

Rail skills academy created

Despite the cutbacks, railway engineers are still in demand. The business secretary is backing a new skills academy to train more rail workers. Read the full Guardian story….