Concern over boys not taking languages

There is concern over female participation rates in science, but gender disparities need to be addressed in many subjects, for example, boys make up just 29% of English A-level students….

‘Your Guide to Apprenticeships’ published

The Association of School and Colleges Leaders (ASCL) and Inspiring the Future have teamed up to create ‘Your Guide to Apprenticeships’ for teachers. ASCL has worked with the Education and…

‘Apprenticeship talks in every school’ pledge

On the 13th February national charity Inspiring the Future hosted an Apprenticeship Careers Fair at City Hall. London Mayor Boris Johnson welcomed Apprentices from a wide range of sectors and…

The Character and Resilience Manifesto is out!

Britain’s schools must be “more than just exam factories”, a cross-party parliamentary group says. It argues that more importance should be given to the development of “character and resilience” schools…

Graduates earn less than Apprentices

The Office for National Statistics finds that graduates are more likely to find themselves in low-paid jobs and are earning less than people who decide to do an apprenticeship instead…