Degrees for what jobs? Report from the US

The US National Governors Association has published a report entitled Degrees for what jobs? Raising expectations for universities and colleges in a global economy. Some Governors are recognising that academic…

Lego contests put minority students on a mission

From a classroom in America, Brittany Robinson, 14, is programming a robot to perform open heart surgery. She’s focused on the intricacies of computer science and engineering. Never mind that…

Contribute to DfE’s National Curriculum Review

Parents, teachers, pupils and other interested members of the public have only four days left to tell the Government and curriculum experts what should be taught in schools. By answering…

DfE evaluation of Diploma students entering HE

The DfE’s ‘Evaluation of the implementation and impact of diplomas: findings from the 2009/10 survey of higher education institutions’ has been published. The first wave of Advanced Diploma students have…

Skills Commission inquiry launched

The Skills Commission has launched an inquiry into technician and higher level skills. The Commission will consider the following: What do employers need from technician and higher level skills training?…

Taskforce research conference 2011 details announced

Details of the Education and Employers Taskforce research conference 2011 entitled ‘Exploring social mobility and delivery mechanisms in international perspective’ are now available on our dedicated conference website. Here you…