Tell us your views on 2012 changes to careers IAG

The Times Educational Supplement (TES) and Taskforce’s Growing Ambitions wants to hear the views of teachers and school leaders about the 2012 changes to Careers Information, Advice and Guidance. Please…

Employer engagement, wage premiums and NEET status

The Taskforce is hosting a research seminar entitled School-mediated employer engagement & labour market outcomes for young adults: wage premiums & NEET status. To register for our free seminar at…

It’s who you meet video of key findings

To accompany the publication of the Taskforce’s report ‘It’s who you meet: why employer contacts at school makes a difference to the employment prospects of young adults’ Dr Anthony Mann,…

Streaming exacerbates disadvantage and under performance

Moves to reintroduce more setting and streaming in UK state schools are fuelling a “vicious cycle” of underperformance, particularly amongst disadvantaged youngsters, a top-level international study warned yesterday. One in…

ACEVO Commission on Youth Unemployment published

The ACEVO Commission on Youth Unemployment work has been published today ‘Youth unemployment: the crisis we cannot afford’. Education and Employers Taskforce research work incorporated. Read the full report Youth…

Most new apprentices aged 25+

More than two-thirds of the apprenticeships created in England in the past five years were taken by the over-25s, says a spending watchdog the National Audit Office. This is despite…