Indecon Review of Career Guidance – Final Report

…are significant gaps within Ireland’s career guidance system. Recommendations include the establishment of an Implementation Task Force to drive the proposed reforms, greater access to online tools and experienced guidance…

Inspiring Women in Bangladesh

…career options that don’t fit with gender stereotypes. Inspiring the Future is a free, online, secure service that links up volunteers with schools across the country. Volunteers simply sign up…

Inspiring Women in China

…women development be added to the Dialogue as a cross-cutting theme.     In December 2016, the Inspiring Women online platform was formally launched in Beijing and witnessed by Jeremy…

Inspiring the Future Australia

…to get the students thinking about the impact their online presence can have on their future careers. Read more.   Primary Futures Australia launches The first Primary Futures event in…

What to do about young people not going to university?

…Middle Remains Elusive. Sociological Research Online, vol 18. Roberts, S. (2011). Beyond ‘NEET’ and ‘tidy’ pathways: considering the ‘missing middle’ of youth transition studies. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(1), 21-39….