A city of children who cannot read

London is in the grip of a literacy crisis with one in four children practically illiterate on leaving primary school. The London Evening Standard highlights the issue in the capital….

Learning to Work campaign launches

The Education & Employers Taskforce is supporting the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s Learning to Work campaign to create a step-change in the relationship between young people and employers….

Scottish 4 year olds to learn two languages

Scottish children from age four will learn two foreign languages for later employability, under innovative new proposals from the Scottish Government. Read the full story….

Part-time student finance materials unveiled

The Independent Taskforce on Student Finance Information has launched part-time student finance materials to coincide with Adult Learners’ Week (12-18 May). Part-time guide Part-Time Student Guide Part-time video featuring Martin…

Health sector embraces Inspiring the Future

The health sector embraces employee volunteering in education programme Inspiring the Future. Anyone from apprentices to CEOs can give free Career Insight Talks to young people aged 11 – 19….