Mentoring for university access

A mentoring project to encourage able students from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to the top universities is a success. Read the full Telegraph story….

Reforming careers advice a school priority for 2012

Promoting maths & science, improving discipline, exam results and reforming careers advice are likely to be school priorities for 2012, says new research by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Read the full Encyclopaedia…

Call for views on enterprise education

Pearson and the Education and Employers Taskforce are asking for your views in a research project on enterprise education. This research will explore three key questions: What is enterprise education?…

UKCES report on transforming career guidance

The UK Commission for Employment and Skills has just published a report on career guidance. This work was led by Liz Sayce a UKCES Commissioner and Chief Executive of Radar….

Changes to careers reduce capacity in FE

Overhaul of careers advice will “reduce substantially the capacity to deliver career support in FE”, claim experts at Derby University. They argue that FE colleges are being marginalised by the…

Secrets of university access for schools

University access: why some schools are so much more ‘successful’ than others? How can one school get more pupils into top universities than another with the same exam marks? Read…