Reforming careers advice a school priority for 2012

Promoting maths & science, improving discipline, exam results and reforming careers advice are likely to be school priorities for 2012, says new research by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Read the full Encyclopaedia…

UKCES report on transforming career guidance

…‘Helping individuals succeed: transforming career guidance’ identifies the characteristics of effective career guidance, the role of new technologies in enhancing this and the part that government and national agencies might…

Changes to careers reduce capacity in FE

…experts at Derby University. They argue that FE colleges are being marginalised by the new market in careers support that is being created, which focuses on the needs of schools….

Higher education should ‘plan for employability’

the centre of HEIs’ strategic planning, widening access to work placements, and promoting partnerships between employers and HEIs. Read the full report: Employers’ perceptions of the employability of new graduates…

A city of children who cannot read

…Read the full Evening Standard story. What can be done to help schools, young people and parents? New research shows that employee volunteering improves reading. Mentoring programmes such as Time…

Scottish 4 year olds to learn two languages

Scottish children from age four will learn two foreign languages for later employability, under innovative new proposals from the Scottish Government. Read the full story….