Professor Alison Wolf seminar available to watch

Watch the Taskforce’s Professor Alison Wolf (King’s College London) seminar and debate about school-to-work transitions in a liberal economy. Watch the seminar: /research/research-seminars-2011-12/professor-alison-wolf—19th-september,-2012/…

Young Britons lack IT skills

A total of 10% of 18-34 year olds say that they ‘lack IT skills’ a new YouGov poll suggests. Read the full story….

‘Six steps to change’ report

Education charity Edge have launched the ‘Six steps to change’ report outlining studies for 14 – 18s that combine academic, vocational and practical learning. Read the full story….

How universities can reduce disadvantage

What can universities do to help disadvantaged people? a new report by the Rowntree Foundation is out. It concludes that universities can support disadvantaged communities by providing access to opportunities…

OECD calls for governments to urgently invest in education

Governments should increase investment in childhood to reduce inequality, boost social mobility and improve people’s employment prospects, according to a new Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report. Read…

Digital education needed for growth

The UK’s innovation foundation NESTA has produced a plan for UK growth. NESTA’s 12 recommendations for sustainable ‘innovation led’ growth include digital education. Read the full report….

‘Raising Aspirations and Smoothing Transitions’

‘Raising Aspirations and Smoothing Transitions’ has been published by the Work Foundation. School-to-work transitions are increasingly challenging. Careers Education and Careers Guidance can improve transitions and minimise the risk of…