Burnham calls for UCAS for apprenticeships

The shadow education secretary, Andy Burnham, has called for the creation of a national UCAS-style system for apprenticeships to provide a clear path for teenagers who do not go to…

What can state schools learn from independents?

How state schools can benefit from looking at the ways independent schools engage with the private sector? Attend our Education and Employers Taskforce and Times Educational Supplement (TES) free Manchester…

University rich-poor divide ‘narrows’

The gap in numbers of people from the richest and poorest sections of society going to university in England has narrowed, the Institute for Fiscal Studies think-tank says. Their study…

Reform apprenticeships say MPs

Apprenticeships need reform to provide growth boosting skills say MPs. A Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) committee urges apprenticeship schemes to be more ambitious. Read the full story….