Job gender stereotyping worse than 20 years ago

Today the Work Foundation and TUC unveiled a new report on the UK’s gender jobs spilt. The report shows that progress towards reducing gender stereotyping in employment has been non-existent…

Apprenticeships forecast to contribute £3.4bn

…to Apprenticeships’ a Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) survey says. This is set against the backdrop of David Cameron pledging to make apprenticeships the “new norm” for school…

Pupils perform better when not ranked

Pupils perform better in tests if they are told the exercise is to help them learn, rather than to rank them against their classmates, according to a new study. Read…

Postgraduate study obstacle to social mobility

The cost of postgraduate study is an extra obstacle to social mobility. A new Sutton Trust study says if students need postgraduate degrees for a tough jobs market, poor students…