Do School-to-Work Programs Help the “Forgotten Half”?

…job shadowing; mentoring; cooperative education (combining academic and vocational studies); work in a school-sponsored enterprise; ‘tech prep’ (a planned programme of study with a defined career focus); and internships or…

Our values

As a charity, we are committed to embodying our values in our work with schools, volunteers, employers and staff. We strive to be inspiring, inclusive, innovative and impactful, and to…

Work-Related Learning Baseline Study

…this provision, with the key aim of establishing data for future comparison studies of the impact of the new requirement. This research is based on the MORI School Omnibus survey…

Preparing Our Students for the Real World

…directed at today’s leaders of education including school superintendents, school board members, as well as school leaders in high schools, middle schools and elementary school as well as community leaders,…