Redrawing the Balance in South Africa

The video has been remade in Denmark, China and Canada and South Africa is the latest to recreate the concept. This new version was produced by VVOB South Africa, a…

Taskforce News

Inspiring the Future News Inspiring the Future News July 2013 teachers Inspiring the Future News July 2013 volunteers Taskforce News Taskforce News November 2015 Taskforce News January 2013 incorporating ‘Year…

Henry Faure Walker

Henry Faure Walker

…US. Newsquest publishes 200 local and regional news brands across the UK, and operates LOCALiQ, a digital marketing business for SMEs. Amongst other things, Newsquest runs the country’s largest journalist…

Disconnected: Career aspirations and jobs in the UK

the WEF event has been used as a direct catalyst for supporting career events at local schools. Read press coverage of the Disconnected report below:…

UK Teachers lead the way

World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, an event took place at the local primary school with a range of volunteers from the world of work. Although located just a minute…

International Conference – speakers announced

International Conference on Employer Engagement in Education and Training – London 2016 July 21/22 2016, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Conference Centre Speakers and delegates are travelling from across…

Book Review: Our Kids by Robert Putnam

Book Review: Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert D. Putnam, New York: Simon & Schuster By Rachael McKeown Robert Putnam is a world renowned social scientist, famously…