What works: Career-related learning in primary

We have been awarded funding from the Careers and Enterprise Company to compile evidence on the career-related learning of primary aged children’s decisions, aspirations and attitudes. In doing so our…

What works? Career-related learning in primary schools

…Enterprise Company ‘What Works’ report. This paper draws together the existing evidence of the benefits of career-related learning in primary school. Starting career education early is important. As longitudinal studies…

Invitation to Participate

comprises mainly of tick boxes and three questions where students can provide written answers. In addition, they can indicate if they want to record a short video or write a…

New international survey launched today

…the issues that matter most to them, their career aspirations and concerns about the future. The on-line survey called “Your Voice” comprises mainly of tick boxes and three questions where…

Facing the Future Survey

…year olds about the issues that most to them, their career aspirations and concerns about the future. The on-line survey called “Your Voice” comprises mainly of tick boxes and three…