Latest issue of Taskforce News

This edition covers the launch of the Inspiring the Future campaign to get 100,000 people to volunteer in education to give insights into careers, an update on Robert Peston’s Speakers…

‘Twitter critters’ students talk to employers

…a new social media project – ‘twitter critters’ – aimed at helping industry experts to provide feedback to students on the BSc Architectural Technology course. Read the full story:…

New research seminars January 2011

New research seminars begin: On the 13 January 2011 Dr Gill Haynes, Exeter University, will be leading a seminar on ‘Work-related Learning and Employer Engagement: Findings from the National Evaluation…

New mailing group: subscribe now

Research mail group launched: The Education and Employers Taskforce has launched a new email group, to bring together those who are interested in evidence surrounding what happens to young people,…

More new graduate jobs predicted for 2013

There will be more jobs for new graduates in 2013, a survey of leading employers suggests. The High Fliers study suggests that top employers plan to hire 18,306 graduates in…