Alice Amegah

Alice assists part-time with research activities at the charity which includes the compilation of the monthly research digest. She grew up in rural Ghana and obtained a 1st class B.A….

Facing the Future Survey

…year olds about the issues that most to them, their career aspirations and concerns about the future. The on-line survey called “Your Voice” comprises mainly of tick boxes and three…


Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is an international priority for government, industry and the science education policy and practice community. There is widespread concern that participation in…

Do Apprenticeships Pay? Evidence for England

CVER Researchers from the Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) have investigated whether doing an apprenticeship is economically beneficial for young people in the short term. The research, composed of…

Research digest

Keep up to date with the latest research news from around the world: Our free monthly research digest combines the latest research, reports and publications worldwide. It also has details…