Volunteering update

At this time we have seen renewed recognition and gratitude for the vital role played by our key workers, and the amazing spirit of volunteers supporting them and our communities,…

Stuart Meldrum

…school. And as an investor in British companies, he also sees first-hand the challenge that companies face raising awareness of their ability to offer exciting career opportunities for young people….

The Employability Challenge

A report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills UKCES assesses the current state of research on employability skills, identifies existing good practice, advises on how to develop these…

Teachers’ Thoughts on Entrepreneurship Education

…the three elements, ‘content’, ‘practice’, and perceived ‘value’ of entrepreneurial education. The author finds three interpretations of content: the technical, competency-based form (“defined as a separate course or project which…

Learning outside the classroom crucial, says Ofsted

The new government’s response to the Commons Education Committee’s report both acknowledges the importance of learning outside the classroom and promises to investigate the constraints on schools arising from unnecessary…

Our 35,000th volunteer

…International Development and Impact Investing and is based in Cornwall. Completing her BSc Natural Science (Biology) at the University of Cambridge and gaining a MRes Environmental Science from Lancaster University,…