K-12 Partnership Report newsletter

You can now subscribe for free to the K-12 Partnership Report newsletter of employer-education partnership activity in the US. Previously it has required paid subscriptions. Visit: http://www.kprnewsletter.com/subscribe.htm to subscribe….

Enterprising pupils head to New York

How the invention of a teddy bear chair took four Bradford teenagers to the Big Apple to present to Google. To read the full story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/nov/09/enterprise-pupils-win-competition…

Financial Times publishes ‘Working with Schools’

…Times newspaper has today published a Working with Schools report highlighting the work of the Education and Employers Taskforce, it’s partners and other organisations working in the field. Visit: http://www.ft.com/reports/schools-2010…

Survey shows work experience helps young people get real jobs

…businesses have recruited staff directly from work experience. Lantra is the Sector Skills Council for the Environmental and Land-based Sector representing over 230,000 businesses and 1.5 million employees. Visit: http://www.cisionwire.com/lantra/work-experience-survey-shows-long-term-employment-win…

Young peoples’ career aspirations aged 10-14

…King’s College London, spoke at a free Taskforce research seminar about young peoples’ career aspirations aged 10 – 14. She shared the findings from a five year longitudinal study. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-S6h6fiAqo…

The problem with UCAS personal statements

…actually be part of the problem. Read the full article in SecEd: http://tinyurl.com/c66kpz7 Free employee volunteering programme Inspiring the Future can help to level the playing field with access to…

Employer engagement, wage premiums and NEET status

…employer engagement & labour market outcomes for young adults: wage premiums & NEET status. To register for our free seminar at the Education and Employers Taskforce office in London: http://tinyurl.com/7vckp7m…