Launch of Primary Futures film

A new short film has just been launched, which shows how primary schools around the country are using Primary Futures to broaden children’s horizons and raise their aspirations. The four…

World Skills 2011 – complimentary tickets available

WorldSkills London 2011 is the largest international skills competition in the world and incorporates ‘Have a Go’ bite-size activities, skills showcases, impartial careers advice and an interactive exhibition. It is…

Detailed history

the charity has moved from being fully reliant on funding from the Department for Education to full financial independence. Newsletters Read a selection of our early newsletters: December 2009 March…

Primary Futures – Aspirations Week in Corby

…was also supported by the Edge Foundation, and was delivered under the Career Footstep Programme. The programme has been run in partnership for three years between the two charities; it…