Rise in the number of apprenticeships

…last year, twice as many as expected. Business Secretary, Vince Cable, said the government was determined to “break down barriers between academic and vocational learning”. Read the full BBC story….

Ofsted urges review of vocational qualifications

…marked assignments with more traditional GCSEs and A-levels. In this latest study, inspectors analysed standards in economics, business and enterprise subjects over a three-year period. Read the full BBC story….

UK has youth underclass, says Prince’s Trust

…Prince’s Trust of 2,300 people aged 16-24 suggested those from deprived backgrounds were three times more likely to say they will “end up on benefits”. Read the full BBC story….

Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational Education published today

…full government response. http://www.education.gov.uk/16to19/qualificationsandlearning/a0074953/review-of-vocational-education-the-wolf-report If you have any questions about the response you can email: wolf.review@education.gsi.gov.uk Related story Read the full BBC story Teenagers must stick at English and maths….