Female managers work extra 14 years to ‘earn the same’

…that a ‘mid-life pay crisis’ is hitting female managers, with women aged 40-plus earning 34% less than men. See Chartered Institute of Management infographics: http://www.managers.org.uk/~/media/Files/PDF/CMI_XpertHR_gender_pay_infographic_August2014.ashx Read the full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-business/11042829/Women-gender-pay-gap-want-to-close-the-pay-gap-Its-time-to-face-an-uncomfortable-truth.html…

New collaborative event: Career education and guidance that works

…Ellis, Steve Stewart, Liane Hambly, Jordan Rehill and Nick Chambers. Places are still available – book before 10th May: http://www.thecdi.net/Skills-Training-Events/Career-and-Guidance-That-Works-%E2%80%93-What-Does-The-Evidence-Tell-us/47803   And a reminder about free resources – You can…

Academies, American style

comparable groups of young people, distributed initially by random assignment, from High School to age 26 found that graduates of the US Career Academies programme earned 11% more than comparable…