Our 5th International Conference at a glance

…for young people. Workstreams will then consider the Employer Perspective; International VET insights; the Youth Labour Market and The Future of Skills, before a wrap up from Olly Newton, Director…

Drawing the Future launched at Davos today

…progress is being made towards gender equality and explored some simple actions that could be taken to bring about much needed change. https://www.facebook.com/worldeconomicforum/videos/10155068032731479/   https://www.facebook.com/deloitte/videos/10155370414182689/ Please share this on social…

Career ready? Preparing young people for working life

…graduates like myself, were also struggling. Thirty years later another global recession is threatening the employment prospects of a new generation of school, college and university leavers. In recessions, young…

Virtual interactive sessions

…maintain a connection with the world of work, and indeed with the wider world around them. At a time when motivation and inspiration are needed most, teachers have told us…