
November 3, 2010

National Work Experience Conference ‘Making Work-related Learning Work’

November 3, 2010

22 – 23 November 2010 at the University of Warwick Keynotes will be given be John May (Young Enterprise), Gary Forrest (SSAT), Dr Anthony Mann (Education and Employers Taskforce) and Caroline Derbyshire (Linton Village College). The conference provides opportunities for professional development, networking, updating and reflection. The keynote speeches will address the main issues facing […]

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November 3, 2010

Financial Times editor participates in Visit our Schools and Colleges

November 3, 2010

Financial Times editor, Lionel Barber, and David Cruickshank, chairman of Deloitte visited Harris Academy in Bermondsey on 2 November at part of the Visit our Schools and Colleges campaign. Recordings of the interviews with Cruikshank and Barber can be found on the Harris Academy website To download the interviews: Deloitte Interview and Financial Times

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October 14, 2010

Report shows evidence from UK and international studies on the impact of employer engagement

October 14, 2010

The What is to be gained through partnership? report pulls together robust evidence about the benefits of education and employer engagement to young people, schools and employers, including recent research: Exploring the link between social mobility and employer engagement supporting the achievement, aspiration and progress of young people into further study and/ or work Demonstrating that the […]

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October 8, 2010

Helping young people succeed: the role of employers

October 8, 2010

Deloitte, the business advisory firm, has launched a report, commissioned by charity The Education and Employers Taskforce, examining how employers can contribute to improving careers education through inspiring and better informing young people. The dynamic labour market and the vast range of career options available can leave young people feeling bewildered and uninformed. The research […]

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September 30, 2010

A capsule history of vocational education

September 30, 2010

From Vocational Education to Career-Technical Education: A Capsule History and Summary of Research, from the University of California, Berkeley looks at the evolution of what was once know as vocational and careers education. Leading researchers analyse the major studies on different models of career and technical education. Visit Edutopia for the full report.

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September 23, 2010

Volunteer of the year announced

September 23, 2010

The Personal Finance Society (PFS) has awarded Tony Cohen of Nsure the prestigious award of Volunteer of the Year at this year’s PFS conference. The award, now in its second consecutive year, sponsored and presented by NS&I, is an award that is judged on nominations received by members. The award honours an individual who has […]

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September 21, 2010

US careers academies – proof of effectiveness

September 21, 2010

New on the Taskforce research pages, a longitudinal study of the US careers academies programme showing young people enrol in the initiative where they work closely with employers over the last two years of school study receive a significant and sustained boost into the labour market, earning 11% more than a control group at age […]

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