
February 11, 2011

Half of English children behind in their development

February 11, 2011

Nearly half of children in England are not reaching what teachers consider a good level of development by the age of five, public health professionals say. Child development experts say simple things like reading to children every day will have a positive impact on their development, this highlights the role that reading buddy and number […]

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February 10, 2011

CRB checks reduced in schools

February 10, 2011

Millions of people in England and Wales who work or volunteer with children and vulnerable adults will no longer need criminal record checks. Read the full BBC story. A major report for the Taskforce produced last October by Deloitte recommended that the Government should scale back the criminal records and also vetting and barring regimes. […]

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February 9, 2011

City firms offer A-level pupils paid internships

February 9, 2011

A total of 35 businesses will be offering paid internships to A-level students as part of City of London Business Traineeship scheme. Students from Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Southwark, Lambeth, Camden, Islington and Westminster will work for between six and thirteen weeks. Read the full London Evening Standard article.

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February 7, 2011

Degrees alone are not enough, employers warn graduates

February 7, 2011

As graduate unemployment continues to rise in 2011, employers are sending a clear message that even strong academic performance is not enough, unless it is combined with skills and experience. In February 2011, WikiJob will be helping students and graduates prepare for the graduate recruitment process, with Student Employability Week. WikiJob will be offering free […]

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February 7, 2011

Employers want apprentices not graduates

February 7, 2011

School-leavers may be harming their job prospects by seeking a place at university this summer. Results of a City and Guilds poll of more than 500 employers released today reveal that many would rather take on an apprentice than hire a graduate. Read the full Independent article.

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February 7, 2011

Government backs Apprenticeships

February 7, 2011

At the start of Apprenticeship Week (7-11 February) the Business Secretary Vince Cable, and Skills Minister John Hayes, urge more employers to drive economic growth by creating a new generation of skilled workers, while underling the government’s commitment to increase the budget for Apprenticeships to over £1,400 million in 2011-12.

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February 3, 2011

Employers can help social mobility

February 3, 2011

Who gets the best jobs? Firms can help social mobility which has been declining in Britain since the 1950s. So what can the brightest young people from less privileged backgrounds do to break into the professions? Read the full BBC story.

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February 3, 2011

Harvard School of Education calls for sea-change in employer engagement

February 3, 2011

A Harvard Graduate School of Education report calls for a sea change in business and employer engagement in education, so that every American school student to have access to employer involvement in their education including career counselling, job shadowing, employer-designed school projects and work-based learning to better prepare young people for the twenty-first century labour […]

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