
April 14, 2011

Robert Peston plans for a 1000 leaders in their fields

April 14, 2011

The entire Cabinet and most of the Shadow Cabinet have signed up to the BBC’s Robert Peston’s new Speakers for Schools service, but he won’t be happy until he has 1,000 “leaders in their fields” on his books. Read the full City AM article.

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April 12, 2011

Ofsted says girls need to escape career stereotypes

April 12, 2011

An Ofsted survey finds less than 10% of placements are ‘unconventional’, with majority in education, hair and beauty, office and shops. It says mixed sex schools need to do more to widen perceptions of the career options. For some girls, career ambitions were changed through direct observation of a professional at work, through mentoring and […]

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April 11, 2011

Contribute to DfE’s National Curriculum Review

April 11, 2011

Parents, teachers, pupils and other interested members of the public have only four days left to tell the Government and curriculum experts what should be taught in schools. By answering the questions in the Call for Evidence, people will have the chance to shape the new National Curriculum for primary and secondary schools in England. […]

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April 6, 2011

Speakers for Schools part of new social mobility strategy

April 6, 2011

Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg visited the Globe Academy in Southwark to mark the launch of the Government’s new social mobility strategy. As part of the new social mobility initiative the entire cabinet has agreed to take part in Robert Peston’s Speakers for Schools programme to bring high-profile guest speakers to state schools. Last week […]

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April 5, 2011

Coalition social mobility strategy unveiled

April 5, 2011

The coalition government have launched their social mobility strategy, which includes getting 100,000 employee volunteers into schools to talk about their jobs. Opening Doors, Breaking Barriers explains how the strategy will be implemented. Opening Doors, Breaking Barriers Read the full Telegraph story. Read the Nick Clegg and Iain Duncan Smith article.

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April 1, 2011

DfE evaluation of Diploma students entering HE

April 1, 2011

The DfE’s ‘Evaluation of the implementation and impact of diplomas: findings from the 2009/10 survey of higher education institutions’ has been published. The first wave of Advanced Diploma students have successfully applied to go to university. Diploma students have similar levels of acceptances onto undergraduate courses (68%) to A level students (70%) with Diploma graduates […]

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March 31, 2011

New ‘report card’ aims to improve social mobility

March 31, 2011

The government’s social mobility strategy will be published next Tuesday. Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, says that the data collected by the annual report card will enable the government to see if social mobility policies are working. Read the full Guardian Story.

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March 28, 2011

Prof Ewart Keep’s seminar available to download

March 28, 2011

Professor Ewart Keep’s seminar audio and Powerpoint presentations, on three decades of education and industry collaboration, are now available to download. Ewart is Deputy Director of SKOPE (ESRC Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance) is based at the Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences.

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March 28, 2011

State school pupils could benefit from alumni networks

March 28, 2011

State school pupils are more than four times as likely to be given bad careers advice than private school pupils a Future First survey shows. Alumni networks could improve the situtation. Read the full London Evening Standard story.

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