
June 24, 2011

Rise in the number of apprenticeships

June 24, 2011

The government has delivered an extra 103,000 apprenticeships over the last year, twice as many as expected. Business Secretary, Vince Cable, said the government was determined to “break down barriers between academic and vocational learning”. Read the full BBC story.

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June 22, 2011

Private school pupils ‘over represented’ in top jobs says Gove

June 22, 2011

Professionals educated in the independent sector dominate all walks of life as a result of Britain’s increasingly “unequal” schools system, Education Secretary Michael Gove says. He insists that radical reforms are needed to give children from poor backgrounds more equal access to top jobs. Read the full Telegraph story.

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June 17, 2011

Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion

June 17, 2011

Do you know someone who’s played an outstanding role in promoting and encouraging business enterprise skills in the UK? Then nominate them for The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. From entrepreneurs to educators, the award recognises people who have gone that extra mile to work with others who need help setting out in business, perhaps […]

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June 15, 2011

Universities reveal that 63% of students volunteer

June 15, 2011

Universities UK reveals that 63% of students have volunteered since starting university. The Education and Employers Taskforce’s Inspiring the Future campaign aims to get 100,000 people volunteering in education, including current students. They will help young people at school and college to make career and course choices by talking about the jobs they do and […]

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June 15, 2011

MP says state school pupils need more languages, maths and science

June 15, 2011

MP Elizabeth Truss says we need more state school pupils to study science, maths and languages. She says: “As a nation, we can’t carry on relying on the 7% of young people the independent sector educates, to provide such a high proportion of future generations of scientists, engineers, medics or linguists.” Read the full BBC […]

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June 14, 2011

James Dyson Foundation injects passion into D&T teaching

June 14, 2011

A new scheme from the James Dyson Foundation hopes to inject passion into design and technology teaching. Under a new initiative, to be launched in September, the country’s best DT teachers are to be given passports to the frontline of British industry and then encouraged to feed back their experience to other DT teachers at […]

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June 14, 2011

Pupils should study maths to age 18

June 14, 2011

All children should be forced to study mathematics up the age of 18 to prevent the vast majority of pupils leaving school with poor numeracy skills, according to experts. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) said fewer teenagers in Britain studied the subject to a high level than in other developed nations. Read the […]

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