
August 3, 2011

Subtle messages in society put girls off science

August 3, 2011

Subtle ‘Bond girl and frump’ messages in the media and society put girls off science, say academics. Although girls make up more than half GCSE science students – by the time they reach university science departments they are outnumbered by men by a factor of two to one. Read the full BBC story.

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July 25, 2011

‘Two Britains’ qualifications gap exists

July 25, 2011

A ‘two Britains’ qualifications gap emerges from a new University and Colleges Union (UCU) study. In some parts of Britain 35% of adults have no qualifications at all. Read the full BBC story.

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July 21, 2011

Schools should channel university scholarships to poorest pupils

July 21, 2011

All schools in England should channel university scholarships to their poorest pupils, the deputy Liberal Democrat leader Simon Hughes has said. This would end the situation where some schools sent ‘no pupils’ to university. Hughes recommends that primary schools should as a minimum arrange for 10 and 11 year olds careers events where parents and […]

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July 19, 2011

Secrets of university access for schools

July 19, 2011

University access: why some schools are so much more ‘successful’ than others? How can one school get more pupils into top universities than another with the same exam marks? Read the full Guardian story.

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July 13, 2011

Andy Burnham sets out rethink of comprehensive education

July 13, 2011

Andy Burnham, the Shadow Education Secretary, outlines his vision for a rethink of comprehensive education in a speech at think-tank Demos. “Reward, reach, relevance – these will be my 3Rs,” he says. Read the full speech: 21st Century Learning: what do young people need to succeed in the modern world?

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July 11, 2011

Labour calls for schools to teach ‘route into work’

July 11, 2011

Andy Burnham, the shadow education secretary, says secondary schools should give pupils more vocational opportunities. Labour calls for schools to teach ‘route into work’. Burnham will this week reveal plans to give every secondary school pupil a path to employment if they met a set of required standards, under a revamped curriculum, more geared to […]

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July 11, 2011

Sutton Trust’s £125m plan to target poorest pupils

July 11, 2011

The gap between the poorest pupils and their better-off peers in struggling schools in England is wider than in other schools, research suggests. White British pupils “seemed to pose the biggest challenge”, the study says. The Sutton Trust is launching an Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) targeting this group of children, using £125m of government money […]

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July 11, 2011

How to boost uptake of work experience by students and graduates

July 11, 2011

New research by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) investigated how higher education can increase the uptake of high-quality work experience by students and graduates, including broadening the range of employers that offer placement opportunities.  

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July 11, 2011

Higher education should ‘plan for employability’

July 11, 2011

Edge Foundation and the University of Glasgow have teamed up to research the employability of UK graduates. The report sets out recommendations including placing employability at the centre of HEIs’ strategic planning, widening access to work placements, and promoting partnerships between employers and HEIs. Read the full report: Employers’ perceptions of the employability of new […]

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