
December 6, 2012

Move to ban unpaid internships wins cross-party support

December 6, 2012

Advertising unpaid internships could become illegal from next year under proposals being introduced into parliament on Wednesday. The Labour MP Hazel Blears said she had cross-party support for her 10-minute rule bill, which seeks to ban job postings for placements that break national minimum wage law. Read the full story.

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December 6, 2012

Dates confirmed for special Higher Apprenticeship Careers Fairs

December 6, 2012

We have just confirmed the dates for two special Higher Apprenticeship Careers Fairs at state secondary schools in Manchester (7 Feb) and London (13 Feb) 2013. If you are an employer you can register your interest (to take part for free) by contacting:

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November 28, 2012

Extension of careers guidance duty is ‘step in right direction’

November 28, 2012

Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) welcomes the decision by the government to extend the duty to provide access to impartial careers guidance down to age 14 (Year 8) and up to age 18 in schools and colleges. ASCL General Secretary Brian Lightman commented: “It is absolutely essential that young people have access to […]

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November 27, 2012

Review says definition of apprenticeship “stretched too far”

November 27, 2012

The Richard Review says the definition of apprenticeship has been “stretched too far” and needs to be rethought. An independent review of apprenticeships calls on the Government to improve quality and make them more focused on the needs of employers. Doug Richard, founder of School for Startups, was asked by the Education Secretary Michael Gove […]

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November 27, 2012

Ofsted warns on school standards gap

November 27, 2012

There are unacceptably wide variations in the performance of schools in different parts of England, the education watchdog Ofsted warns. Ofsted figures show that in some areas there is less than 50% chance of a good or outstanding school – compared with more than 90% in others. Read the full story.

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November 26, 2012

Speakers for Schools launches across Wales

November 26, 2012

Speakers for Schools launches across Wales today with a week of high profile talks in schools. State secondary schools and colleges can now register for a free speaker. The national launch kicked off with Robert Peston speaking in English on BBC Radio ‘Good Morning Wales’ and author Simon Thirsk speaking in Welsh on BBC Radio […]

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November 23, 2012

Poorest pupils ‘weaker at maths’ research shows

November 23, 2012

The poorest children are twice as likely to struggle at maths early on at primary school, research suggests. But a study found a short but intense tutoring scheme enables struggling children to make strong gains. The report on 47,237 children with weak numeracy levels in England’s Every Child Counts scheme found 73% went on to […]

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November 23, 2012

Pupils let down by university ‘snobbery’ access tsar warns

November 23, 2012

Schoolchildren should ignore the “dreadful snobbery” that puts pressure on them to push for places at elite universities, the Government higher education access watchdog has warned. Pupils should be encouraged to pursue the “most appropriate route” into the workplace, including taking up vocational courses and apprenticeships, said Prof Les Ebdon. Read the full story.

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November 22, 2012

Poor white boys ‘lagging behind classmates by age five’

November 22, 2012

White working-class boys are lagging dramatically behind other children at the age of five amid growing fears over poor parenting skills in the most deprived communities. Data from the Department for Education shows they are less likely to be able to read, communicate, use basic numeracy and show the necessary physical and social awareness as […]

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November 16, 2012

Nancy Hoffman seminar free to download

November 16, 2012

The slides, podcast and video are now available online from the Nancy Hoffman seminar ‘Building a better “Pathways to Careers” system in the US’ hosted in London by the Education and Employers Taskforce. See the podcast: /research/research-seminars-2011-12/dr-nancy-hoffmann—15th-november-2012/

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