Since the launch of Inspiring Governance in November 2016 we’ve heard from recruiters and volunteers alike, all extremely interested in our school governance recruitment and support service, and keen to get involved. Due to this demand we were delighted last week to be able to hold an event to bring together recruiters, prospective governors and those with an interest in school governance to help facilitate the placement of governors.

In an event held at the Wellcome Trust in London yesterday evening, over 100 attendees came together to learn more about the service and why they should get involved. A range of speeches were given by Martin Post (Regional Schools Commissioner for North-West London and South-Central England), Nick Chambers (Chief Executive, Education and Employers), Simon Garrill (Head teacher, Heartlands School) Hilary Leevers (Head of Education and Learning, Wellcome Trust) and Emma Knights (Chief Executive, National Governors Association).

Effective school governance is crucial to the high performance of schools and governing boards are in need of a wide variety of skills and diversity. Schools, and the children and young people within them, aren’t the only ones to benefit as serving governors are afforded numerous CPD opportunities, such as developing board level and leadership skills.
Martin Post, Regional Schools Commissioner for North-West London and South-Central England, said:
“If you want to do something really significant in a school – be a governor. Being a governor in a school is a challenging and rewarding position, where your efforts can make a real difference. It is a vital role in the school community. In my opinion, three critical questions that all governors should ask are: Why? How do you know? Are you sure?”
Nick Chambers, Chief Executive of charity Education and Employers, said:
“We know that schools and colleges find it hard to find governors and trustees. The Inspiring Governance service makes it really easy for people to express an interest in volunteering via a simple on-line form. Governing bodies can then look at the profiles of volunteers who have signed up in their area and get in touch with them directly.”
Emma Knights, Chief Executive of the NGA, remarked:
“Being a school governor or trustee is an incredibly important role that makes a difference to the lives of children, young people, and the local community. Governing boards are responsible for ensuring schools provide the best possible education for pupils. Building a successful team is all about achieving balance and diversity in skills and experience and investing in the development of people. That’s why we are a partner in Inspiring Governance, the only school governance recruitment service that supports people once they’re in post, to make sure they are as effective as possible as soon as possible.”
Hilary Leevers, Head of Education and Learning at the Wellcome Trust, commented:
“Being a school governor or trustee provides a powerful opportunity to contribute to children’s education and wellbeing. They are a really important influence on schools while they themselves develop many new skills. Personally, I’ve found it stretching but hugely rewarding and I really enjoy seeing the commitment school teachers and leaders bring to improving the lives of their students.”
Recruiters looking to fill governor vacancies or volunteers who would like to register their interest in becoming a governor can sign up for free on our website.
Many thanks to the Wellcome Trust for hosting the event and to all attendees for their commitment to good governance.