May 23, 2011

Perks for those who volunteer

May 23, 2011

People who give time to help their communities will be given discounts on shopping, cheap swimming sessions and free theatre tickets as part of a major relaunch of the Government’s Big Society project. Read the full Independent story. The Cabinet Office’s Giving Green Paper was published in October 2010. It aimed to spark ideas about […]

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May 23, 2011

Giving White Paper published

May 23, 2011

The Giving White Paper was published today. It talks about building new social norms around volunteering and how to channel energy and creativity across society. Read the Giving white paper.

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May 20, 2011

Ofsted says governors crucial to pupil achievement

May 20, 2011

Ofsted says a good relationship between school governors and the leadership team is critical for schools to the quality of provision and pupil achievement. Inspectors visited 14 schools where governance was judged outstanding and their findings are outlined in the report School governance: Learning from the best. Read the full EdExec story.

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May 20, 2011

NEET figures to rise as government changes reporting

May 20, 2011

The number of young people classified as not in employment, education or training (Neet) is poised to rise following government changes to the way in which data from local authorities is reported. Read the full Children and Young People Now story.

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May 18, 2011

UK has youth underclass, says Prince’s Trust

May 18, 2011

The aspiration gap between the UK’s richest and poorest young people is creating a ‘youth underclass’, who feel that they have no future. A survey for the Prince’s Trust of 2,300 people aged 16-24 suggested those from deprived backgrounds were three times more likely to say they will “end up on benefits”. Read the full […]

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May 16, 2011

CBI and NUS launch ’employability skills’ guide

May 16, 2011

Students want universities to better explain employability skills and provide more support to develop these competencies, according to a Confederation of British Industry / National Union of Students survey. The survey of 2,614 students shows that over half (57%) want universities to do more to help them understand employability skills, such as customer awareness, team […]

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May 16, 2011

Strategic career connections – the Australian perspective

May 16, 2011

Deloitte’s 2010 careers advice research for the Taskforce is outlined and set in the Australian perspective on page 13. Also for insights in their ‘all age’ careers service take a look at Australian Career Practitioner magazine. Australian Career Practitioner magazine

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May 12, 2011

Employer engagement in schools: the business case

May 12, 2011

What happens when someone from the economic community becomes involved with schools and colleges?To what extent can they support pupil learning, progression and the performance of educational institutions? These are the two questions which policy makers across the OECD countries have grappled with over the last decade. SAGE has published a Taskforce article ‘Employer engagement […]

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May 12, 2011

McDonalds chief tells firms to end snobbery against school leavers

May 12, 2011

McDonalds chief executive advises businesses to end snobbery against school leavers. She emphasises that as business and education move closer together, forward thinking companies are becoming educators as well as employers. Read the full Guardian story. Mc Donalds UK chief executive, Jill McDonald, took part in the first national Visit our Schools and Colleges campaign […]

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May 12, 2011

Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational Education published today

May 12, 2011

The Government’s response to Professor Alison Wolf’s Review of Vocational Education has been published today. Read the full government response. If you have any questions about the response you can email: Related story Read the full BBC story Teenagers must stick at English and maths.

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