February 7, 2013

Postgraduate study obstacle to social mobility

February 7, 2013

The cost of postgraduate study is an extra obstacle to social mobility. A new Sutton Trust study says if students need postgraduate degrees for a tough jobs market, poor students should not be priced out. “Postgraduate study is becoming increasingly the preserve of the better off student, both from home and abroad”, concludes Sir Peter […]

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February 5, 2013

Angry young men from ‘squeezed middle’ lack optimism

February 5, 2013

A study of youth attitudes has raised concerns about young men in the “squeezed middle” who are deeply pessimistic about their future chances. Among these young men – from families of skilled or semi-skilled workers – more than two-thirds never expect to own their own home. This identification of a distinctive group of aggrieved young […]

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January 31, 2013

One-in-five children face catch-up classes in three-Rs

January 31, 2013

One-in-five school children are to have catch-up classes in the three-Rs. Head teachers will receive £54.5m to run booster lessons in the first year of secondary school aimed at 11 and 12-year-olds who failed to reach the appropriate level at the end of primary education. Read the full story.

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January 29, 2013

International lessons on youth unemployment

January 29, 2013

Think-tank the Work Foundation has today published ‘International lessons on youth unemployment’ a new report with recommendations on how the UK can ‘do better’. Read the full story: International Lessons – Youth unemployment in the global context.

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January 28, 2013

60% schools plan to cut vocational qualifications

January 28, 2013

A total of 60% of secondary schools are planning to cut vocational qualifications or have ‘already done so’, a new Edge Foundation study shows. This is despite 85% of senior teachers saying they are ‘valuable’ for their students. Read the full story.  

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January 28, 2013

Ofsted chief orders report into teaching of bright pupils

January 28, 2013

England’s chief inspector of schools, Sir Michael Wilshaw, has ordered a “landmark report” into how state schools teach the most able students. Ofsted’s head warned some pupils, who got top marks at primary school, were not doing as well at secondary school. Read the full story.

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January 24, 2013

Quarter of sixth forms & colleges ‘no top grades’

January 24, 2013

Almost a quarter of England’s sixth forms and colleges did not produce any pupils with the A-level grades sought by the most competitive universities (2As & a B), data from 2,540 schools shows. Read the full story.

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