Bank of America partnership supports brighter futures for young people

Education and Employers are one of Bank of America’s longest running charity partners. Bank of America continue to fund our work together, tackling stereotypes in the world of work and raising young people’s aspirations.

Bank of America volunteers sat at tables with young people talking and completing activities together.

Bank of America has been a lead corporate supporter of Inspiring the Future since 2011, reaching over 68,000 young people thanks to over 1000 volunteers. They support our initiatives such as hosting careers events with volunteers from their staff. These events give young people an insight into the diverse range of people and careers at the bank and a chance to work one to one with volunteers to develop their CV.

“The volunteer made me feel reassured and prepared for what’s to come. She is also in a position I would like to be in after uni, so I learnt a lot.”

– Year 12 student from Valentines High School

Bank of America utilise their employees’ skills to deliver the tools, knowledge, support and inspiration that will nurture talent and help individuals succeed, irrespective of their background. Employees give their time and knowledge to help young people at Inspiring the Future events in local schools across the UK, impacting over 68,000 young people to date.

Bank of America volunteers talking with young people and showing them around their offices.


Our partnership has included some brilliant events, both virtual and in person, with longer lasting impacts such as students pursuing qualifications on the recommendation of volunteers as well as longer-term mentorship programmes.

“We’re continuing to work with Inspiring the Future to demonstrate to young people the diversity of both people and roles in the world of work. A person’s postcode should not be allowed to define their future.” Jack Doyle, Vice President Corporate Social Responsibility Manager

Our recent event, Inspiring the Future in Investment Banking, was a virtual event that included 550 students ranging from Year 10 to Year 13, representing 27 schools!

Students engaged in a virtual careers chat that connected them with three knowledgeable volunteers. They enlightened students about the diverse employment opportunities within an investment bank, providing valuable insights into various career pathways.

“This session provided our students with an insight into alternative career routes. It was very informative and introduced students to a new area of focus.” Jean Ampah, Director of Careers, St Joseph's College


In 2023, our events with Bank of America reached 14,312 young people, from Primary age, up to college. We’re looking forward to working together to build on this number and broaden the reach of our positive impact on the career aspirations of young people.

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