June 24, 2021

Shifting perceptions of the NHS: Ambassadors scheme reaches 400,000 young people

June 24, 2021

A report published today shows how the UK’s biggest employer, the NHS, is helping to motivate young people and showing them the range of career opportunities available, whilst at the same time bringing benefits to their own staff. The report evaluating Health Education England’s partnership with the Education and Employers charity, explores the impact of NHS staff chatting […]

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June 11, 2021

New Zealand: Primary Futures/Inspiring the Future rolled out nationally

June 11, 2021

The New Zealand government are rolling out Inspiring the Future and its primary version, Primary Futures, to all schools under the name Inspiring the Future Aotearoa.  On 27 May 2021, the programme launched to primary and intermediate schools in the country, enabling children to learn about exciting opportunities for their futures, be motivated and see their […]

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June 10, 2021

Starting Early: All you need to know in a short video/audio clip

June 10, 2021

In March this year we published our report Starting Early: Building the foundations for success, written by Chris Percy and Alice Amegah.  This substantial 65-page report looked at the history of career-related learning at primary level together with the latest evidence internationally and in the UK. It considers how best we can help broaden and raise children’s […]

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June 9, 2021

The Voice of the Child

June 9, 2021

We were keen to hear from primary-aged children about how the last year has been for them, how they feel being back at school, and who has inspired them. So, with the help of seven primary schools across the UK we interviewed virtually a range of children exploring their experiences, thoughts and feelings. This is […]

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April 8, 2021

Update on virtual interactive sessions

April 8, 2021

Together with teachers and volunteers in spring 2020, we started pioneering virtual interactive sessions via our Inspiring the Future and Primary Futures programmes. The aim was to help young people maintain a connection with the world of work, and indeed with the wider world around them. At a time when motivation and inspiration are needed […]

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March 24, 2021

Starting Early: report reveals how learning about work at primary-age has positive impact on children’s futures

March 24, 2021

Meeting diverse role models from the world of work motivates primary-age children, boosts attainment, tackles stereotypes and shows the real-world relevance of subject-learning, finds a new report, Starting Early: Building the foundations for success. Key findings Teachers and headteachers recognise that activities with external volunteers in schools have a range of positive outcomes. Evidence shows […]

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March 8, 2021

New OECD report shows gendered aspirations from age five

March 8, 2021

OECD has launched their new report The Future at Five: Gendered aspirations of five-year-olds. Based on the 30 most popular job preferences of 4,000 children in England and Estonia, the report looks at the extent to which children’s early aspirations are affected by gender stereotypes. The report shows a significant presence of gender norms among […]

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March 2, 2021

Our Future Derby – Making an impact

March 2, 2021

“We didn’t understand the impact of career learning at all until it happened. We realised from doing the questionnaires that the children had very narrow views when it came to the future… So for us it was about ‘how can we change that?’ and the project gave us that chance. We saw it straight away – the children were really […]

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January 29, 2021

Davos 2021

January 29, 2021

Just because Covid-19 prevented the World Economic Forum (WEF) being physically in Davos this year, our charity didn’t want young people there to miss out on their chance to be inspired. Each January for the last two years (see below), Education and Employers has organised for people who are in Davos for the WEF to […]

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