October 8, 2013

England’s young adults trail world in literacy and maths

October 8, 2013

Young adults in England have scored among the lowest results in the industrialised world in international literacy and numeracy tests. A major study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows how England’s 16 to 24-year-olds are falling behind their Asian and European counterparts. England is 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy […]

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October 1, 2013

Uni extrance exams will disadvantage state pupils

October 1, 2013

More universities could introduce entrance exams to select the best candidates as a result of recent A level reforms, private school heads warned today. The move would give pupils at fee-paying schools an advantage over state school peers because independent schools have more resources to prepare them, teachers believe. Read the full London Evening Standard […]

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September 27, 2013

Russell Group quizzed on “preferred subjects”

September 27, 2013

The Russell Group of leading universities has been asked to produce research on what teenagers need to get into their universities, after a study has cast doubt on so called ‘preferred subjects’. The call comes from Graham Stuart chairman of the Commons Education Select Committee. Read the full BBC story.

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September 17, 2013

Private schools ‘no longer have to give free places to poor pupils’

September 17, 2013

Private schools will no longer be required to provide free and subsidised places to pupils from poor families under major new guidelines for charities published today. The new guidelines give schools complete freedom to decide how to open up to the poor, suggesting they can run A-level master-classes for deprived pupils, send teachers to state […]

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September 10, 2013

‘Inspiring the Future: the first year 2012-13’

September 10, 2013

‘Inspiring the Future: the first year 2012-13’ has been published to highlight progress made since its national launch in July 2013. It shows how the free Inspiring the Future programme connects state schools/colleges and employers to help young people make better informed decisions about jobs, careers and HE. Read ‘Inspiring the Future: the first year […]

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September 2, 2013

GCSE changes: teenagers must master English & Maths

September 2, 2013

Poor standards of numeracy and literacy among young people have been a major concern for Britain’s employers, with many having to offer remedial training. Alison Wolf, professor at King’s College London, who proposed the change in her 2011 review of vocational education, said that it was “scandalous” that half of 16-year-olds were leaving school without […]

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