Victoria Quijada

Victoria joined the charity in 2024 and leads our schools team on supporting and engaging thousands of state schools nationally to effectively use the Inspiring the Future and Primary Futures programmes to raise the aspirations and broaden the horizons of children and young people by connecting them to a huge range of volunteers from the world of work via career related learning activities.

Victoria has worked in education for over 20 years; from teaching English as a foreign language in Germany and Spain, to supporting migrant workers in Northern Ireland with their English language skills, to teaching in a village primary school in Kent. In 2010 she moved from primary teaching to an educational charity where she worked on and developed many different school-based programmes in areas such as social-emotional learning, social action and citizenship. Most recently she led on the delivery and management of a national quality mark in education for primary and secondary schools across England.

Victoria is passionate about raising young people’s aspirations and feels strongly about early intervention in order to help children and young people to develop the skills they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives.

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