Thank you for joining this year’s International Conference on Employer Engagement, hosted by Education and Employers in partnership with the Edge Foundation.
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![30 profile pictures of speakers who attended the conference](
Presentation slides and recordings
– Day one
Welcome and Keynote Speakers: Dr Andrea Laczik, Professor Prue Huddleston, Nick Chambers, Professor Phillip Brown, Marie-Therese McGivern
- Welcome and Keynote Speakers – slides
- Professor Phillip Brown – Research Link
- Welcome and Keynote Speakers – recording
Breakout 1, session 1. Speakers: Rob Smith, Michaela Brockmann, Vanessa Cui, Susan James Relly, Ashmita Randhawa, James Robson, Jim Hordern
- Apprenticeships: ‘invested’ partnerships as a vehicle for co-producing high quality apprenticeships – slides
- Levelling the playing field: vocational education as prestigious pathway – slides
- Specialised practice and the vocational curriculum – slides
- Breakout 1, session 1 – recording
Breakout 1, session 2. Speakers: Haryanti Affandi, Kristen Osborne, Paul Quigley
- Exploring barriers and the way forward in managing Malaysian industry-institution partnership – slides
- Work-based education in Australian VET – slides
- How Large Employers Engage with Apprenticeships in Scotland – slides
- Breakout 1, session 2 – recording
Breakout 1, session 3. Speakers: Irina Maslo, Roy Priest, Kat Emms, Natasha Kersh, Andrea Laczik
- Efficient opportunities to engage employers within the curriculum: an example of the practice of the University of Latvia – slides
- Cascading the Industrial Mentors Model for University–Industry Interaction. Benefits and Barriers – slides
- Employer Engagement in Higher Education: Developing student employability with two UK case studies – slides
- Breakout 1, session 3 – recording
Breakout 1, session 4. Speakers: David Leat, Robert Craig, Catherine Sezen, Lynne Rogers, Alan McKenna
- What role does brokerage play in planning and delivering curriculum projects involving employers and community partners? – slides
- Better Prepared: Essential skills and employment outcomes for young people – slides
- The role of 14 to 16 delivery in colleges in supporting Education, Engagement and Employability – slides
- Breakout 1, session 4 – recording
Breakout 1, session 5. Speakers: Nicola Stenberg, Katey Curtis, Sam Wood, Kelsy Wharton
Case Study – Westminster Kingsway College – Preparation for Work: Linking Colleges and Employers. Speakers: Paul Jervis
- Case Study – Westminster Kingsway College – slides
- Case Study – Westminster Kingsway College – recording
Breakout 2, session 1. Speakers: Christine Looser, Tina Götschi, David Kaye, Rachel Kitley, Tom Harding, Nigel Harley, Iain Mackinnon
- Leveraging Project-Based Learning and Employer Collaboration to Improve Student Outcomes – slides
- The Ada approach to project based learning with industry partners – slides
- Maritime Future: Working with employers to integrate real world maritime knowledge, skills and experiences into a mainstream secondary school – slides
- Breakout 2, session 1 – recording
Breakout 2, session 2. Speakers: Deirdre Hughes, Ifza Shakoor, Jansev Jemal, David Gallagher, Hannah Blake, Jill Hanson
- Career-related learning in primary schools: A collaborative city-wide approach – slides
- Employer centricity in a decentralised world – slides
- A Comparison of Welsh and English approaches to employer engagement in secondary schools: The importance of strategic collaboration – slides
- Breakout 2, session 2 – recording
Breakout 2, session 3. Speakers: Anna Trocme Latter, Adam Wilson, Fernando Marhuenda
- Employer Engagement: Boosting Attainment and Wellbeing – slides
- WISEs: employer engagement in preparation for work and citizenship – slides
- Breakout 2, session 3 – recording
Breakout 2, session 4. Speakers: Susan McGrath, Sarah Taunton, Maia Madhvani, Emily Kay
- Fulfilling the potential of BTEC learners: from GCSEs to a graduate profession – slides
- Breakout 2, session 4 – recording
Breakout 2, session 5. Speakers: Mary Lyons, Louise Loxton
- Futureproofing Enterprise Engagement – Further Education & Training Policy in Ireland – slides
- Employers as Partners in Learning – The Manchester College (Further Education) – slides
- Breakout 2, session 5 – recording
Panel Session 1 – Employer Engagement: Curriculum, Qualifications and Assessment. Speakers: Professor Prue Huddleston, Suzie Branch-Haddow, Patrick Craven, Jennifer Coupland
– Day two
Panel Session 2 – Skills Development: The Role of Employers. Speakers: Dr Andrea Laczik, Professor Ewart Keep, Professor Hubert Ertl, Gert Rohrmann
Breakout 3, session 1. Speakers: Lynne Rogers, Bev Jones, Ruth Gilbert
- Careers Colleges: a model for embedding employer engagement within the curriculum – slides
- Developing employer partnerships to drive curriculum change – slides
- Breakout 3, session 1 – recording
Breakout 3, session 2. Speakers: Erica Smith, Annette Foley, David Turner, Holly Henderson, Kat Emms
- Preparation for post-school careers in rural and peri-urban Australia: Connections with employers and labour markets – slides
- Employer engagement for Youth Transitions: Crafted for a COVID-impacted world – slides
- Developing online learning in vocational education in small island context of the British Isles – slides
- Breakout 3, session 2 – recording
Breakout 3, session 3. Speakers: Xin Zhao, Belgin Okay-Somerville, Stephanie Allais
- The relevance of employability skills in the 21st-century: the overseas employers’ perspective – slides
- Clash of perspectives: Young people’s vs employers’ views of young people’s soft skills in Turkey – slides
- Linkages between skills production and productive sectors: Social partners’ perceptions from different African countries – slides
- Breakout 3, session 3 – recording
Breakout 3, session 4. Speakers: Isobel Finlay, Allegra Spender, Alma Sobrevilla, Malcolm Greig, Zoe Mackay
- The Enterprise Adviser role: strategic employer engagement in careers education – slides
- Sustainability in School/Business Partnerships – Experience of the Australian Business & Community Network – slides
- Productivity Growth of Modern Apprentices in Scotland – slides
- Breakout 3, session 4 – recording
Breakout 3, session 5. Speakers: Emily Tanner, Emma Parry, Sarah Brooks
- The development of a tool to measure student progress in career readiness across secondary education in England – slides
- Embedding Employer Engagement to Prepare Students for Career Self-Management During and Beyond University – slides
- Breakout 3, session 5 – recording
Case Study – School 21 – Real World Learning. Speakers: Cassie Cramer, Oli de Botton
Breakout 4, session 1. Speakers: Belgin Okay-Somerville, Simon O’Leary, Heidi Ashton
- Understanding graduate employability during COVID 19 pandemic – slides
- Opportunities to enhance graduate employability – slides
- You don’t need a degree: freelancing, employer engagement and the challenges for HE – slides
- Breakout 4, session 1 – recording
Breakout 4, session 2. Speakers: Mark Addis, Stephen Sowa, Graham Attwell, Sophia Roppertz
- Autonomy and expertise in the English workplace – slides
- Primary school pupil’s career aspirations and job automation risks – slides
- Preparation of learners, teachers and trainers in the age of Artificial Intelligence – slides
- Breakout 4, session 2 – recording
Breakout 4, session 3. Speakers: Pauline Holbrook, Carmel McKeogh, Susie Rutkowski
- Educable but employable? – slides
- Developing an international employability curriculum – slides
- Breakout 4, session 3 – recording
Breakout 4, session 4. Speakers: Alison Whelan, Faye Jones, Dan Gourley, Sam Holmes, Aron Rouse
- Developing collaborative project-based learning across FE and industry: Making meaningful links between vocational courses and the world of work – slides
- When learning goals click with learners’ goals: practical pedagogy for impactful employer engagement – slides
- Breakout 4, session 4 – recording
Breakout 4, session 5. Speakers: Niamh McGarry, Freya Jamieson-Smith, Leon Gidigbi
- Youth Employment 2030 (YE2030) – Research and advocacy, led by young people for young people
- Breakout 4, session 5 – recording
Panel Session 3 and Conference Close – Employer Engagement: International Perspectives. Speakers: Ann-Marie Bathmaker, Dr Anthony Mann, Sareena Hopkins, Dr Paul Comyn, Alice Barnard
About the organisers
Education and Employers is an independent UK-based charity launched in 2009 with the vision of providing children and young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential. Learn about our programmes.
Our Research Library provides a comprehensive repository of the different and effective approaches to employer engagement and careers education. Developed over the last decade it brings together the latest thinking with selected research published over the past 40 years for the benefit of researchers, academics and policy makers.
You can also sign up to our research newsletter for regular bulletins with new research from the education sphere.
The Edge Foundation undertakes high quality independent education research, which helps to underpin our policy development as well as our work with grant-funded projects and our delivery work in schools and colleges. Find out more about our research.
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