Nothing in Common: The Career Aspirations of Young Britons Mapped Against Projected Labour Market Demand 2010-2020

By Dr Anthony Mann (Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers), David Massey (UKCES), Peter Glover (UKCES), Elnaz T. Kashefpakdel (Research Analyst, Education and Employers) and James Dawkins (Research Analyst, Education and Employers).

A report in the Taskforce’s Occasional Research Papers series in collaboration with b-live and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.

The report maps the career aspirations of 10,729 British teenagers against the projected demand for UK employment over the period 2010-2020 as established by UKCES analysts. A statistical measure shows that the aspirations to have nothing in common with projected employment demand. The report includes full details of teenage occupational aspirations segmented by age and by the type of school attended. It highlights the value of employer engagement in providing young people with access to reliable information about jobs and careers through such interventions as

Read ‘Nothing in Common: The career aspirations of young Britons mapped against projected labour market demand 2010-2020’